:DELete (@channel)
:MANufacturer "<manufacturer>"
:MODel "<model number>"
[:IMMediate] (@chanlist)
[:LEVel] <value>, (@chanlist)
:SLOPe POSitive|NEGative, (@chanlist) Sets the slope of the signal.
:SOURce <source>, (@chanlist)
[:ENABle] 0|OFF|1|ON, (@chanlist)
[:LEVel] <value>, (@chanlist)
:SLOPe POSitive|NEGative, (@chanlist) Sets the slope of the signal.
:SOURce <source>
[:IMMediate] (@chanlist)
:SOURce <source>, (@chanlist)
[:STATe] 0|OFF|1|ON
[:IMMediate] (@chanlist)
:SOURce <source>, (@chanlist)
Keysight N6700C Series User's Guide
Remove the specified channel from the group.
Ungroups all channels.
Resets the front panel lockout password to zero.
Changes the manufacturer identity.
Sets the manufacturer identity to the factory default.
Changes the model number.
Sets the model number to the factory default.
Reboots the instrument to its power-on state.
Clears all user memory and reboots the instrument.
Returns the SCPI version that the instrument complies with.
(ACQuire and ELOG commands only on N676xA, N678xA SMU, Option 054)
Generates an immediate measurement trigger.
Sets the triggered level of the output.
Selects the trigger source for the acquisition system: BUS |CURRent<1-4>
|EXTernal |PIN<1-7> |TRANsient<1-4> |VOLTage<1-4>
Enables measurement triggers to be sent to a digital port pin.
Sets the triggered level of the output.
Selects the trigger source for the arbitrary waveform generator:
BUS |EXTernal |IMMediate
Generates an immediate trigger for external data logging.
Selects the trigger source for external data logging:
BUS |EXTernal |IMMediate| PIN<1-7>
Improves the alignment of measurement triggers with measurement data.
Generates an immediate output transient trigger.
Selects the trigger source for the transient system:
BUS |EXTernal IMMediate |PIN<1-7> |TRANsient<1-4>
1 Quick Reference