Synchronizing Digitizer Measurements
Use the measurement trigger system to synchronize the acquisition of measurements with a Bus,
Transient, or an external trigger. Then use FETCh commands to return voltage or current information
from the acquired data. Briefly, to make a triggered measurement:
Select the measurement function
Capture pre-trigger data (optional)
Select the measurement trigger source
Initiate the measurement trigger system
Trigger the measurement
Fetch the measurement
Select the Measurement Function
The following commands select a measurement function:
Front Panel Menu Reference
Not available
Some power modules have two measurement converters, which allow simultaneous voltage and
current measurements (refer to
measurements can be enabled. If a power module has only one converter, the parameter that it
measures (either voltage or current) must be specified.
Capture Pre-Trigger Data (optional)
The measurement system lets you capture data before, after, or at the trigger signal. As shown in the
following figure, you can move the block of data being read into the acquisition buffer with reference to
the trigger. This allows pre- or post-trigger data sampling.
Keysight N6700C Series User's Guide
To enable voltage measurements:
To enable current measurements:
Differences). In that case, BOTH voltage and current
4 Operating the Power System
SCPI Command