4 Operating the Power System
During the integration period, Elog samples are averaged, and the minimum and maximum values are
tracked. At the end of each integration period the average, minimum, and maximum values are added
to the internal FIFO buffer. You can specify up to six measurement parameters per channel:
Voltage+Vmax+Vmin, and Current+Imax+Imin.
Although the absolute minimum integration period is 102.4 microseconds, the actual minimum
depends on the number of measurement parameters that are being logged. The actual minimum is
102.4 microseconds times the number of parameters being logged at each interval. Note that you can
measure up to 4 parameters with the time interval resolution set to 20 microseconds, and up to 24
parameters with the resolution set to 40 microseconds. When the instrument sets an integration
period, the value sent is rounded to the nearest integer multiple of the chosen resolution, either 20.48
microseconds or 40.96 microseconds.
1 parameter (Voltage or Current), with 20 µs resolution
2 parameters (Voltage and Current), with 20 µs resolution
4 parameters (Voltage+Vmin+Vmax+Current), with 20 μs resolution
8 parameters with 40 µs resolution
16 parameters with 40 µs resolution
24 parameters with 40 µs resolution
You can change the time interval resolution as follows:
Front Panel Menu Reference
Not available
If the specified integration period is at or near the minimum logging intervals, the data format must be
specified as binary. If the REAL format is not specified, the data will be in ASCII format and the
minimum logging intervals will typically be up to five times longer than what can be achieved with
binary format.
Front Panel Menu Reference
Not available
Select the Elog Trigger Source
The TRIGger:ELOG command generates an immediate trigger regardless of the trigger source. Unless
you are using this command, select a trigger source from the following:
Bus - Selects GPIB device trigger, *TRG, or <GET> (Group Execute Trigger).
External - Selects all digital port pins that have been configured as trigger inputs.
Immediate - Selects the immediate trigger source. This triggers the data logger immediately when
SCPI Command
To set the resolution:
SCPI Command
To set the data format to REAL:
102.4 µs
204.8 µs
409.6 µs
819.2 µs
1638.4 µs
2457.6 µs
Keysight N6700C Series User's Guide