4 Operating the Power System
Front Panel Menu Reference
Select Measure\Range.
Select Auto from the voltage or current dropdown
menu. Then press Select.
Adjust the Measurement Sample Rate
The following figure illustrates the relationship between measurement samples (or points), and the
time interval between samples in a typical measurement. You can fine tune the measurement by
specifying the number of points in the measurement as well as the time interval between points.
You can vary the measurement data sampling rate as follows:
Front Panel Menu Reference
Select Measure\Sweep.
Enter the number of points. Then press Select.
Enter the time interval. Then press Select.
The maximum number of sample points that are available for all measurements is 512 K points (K =
1024). If you specify a voltage measurement with 500 K points on channel 1 for example, you will only
have 12 K points available for all other measurements.
Time interval values can range from 5.12 microseconds (for one parameter on Models N678xA SMU) to
40,000 seconds. Note that the shortest time interval (fastest speed) that can be specified depends on
the number of parameters that are being measured, the model that is doing the measuring, and the
time interval resolution. You can only measure up to 4 parameters with the time interval resolution set
to 20 microseconds.
1 parameter (models N678xA SMU only)
1 or 2 parameters (all models)
3 or 4 parameters (all models), with 20 µs programmed resolution
5 to 8 parameters (all models), with 40 µs programmed resolution
Time interval values from 10.24 up to 20.48 microseconds are rounded to the nearest 10.24-
microsecond increment. Values above 20.48 microseconds are rounded to the nearest 20.48-
microsecond increment when the resolution is set to RES20. Values above 40.96 microseconds are
rounded to the nearest 40.96-microsecond increment when the resolution is set to RES40.
SCPI Command
To enable seamless voltage or current autoranging:
SCPI Command
To set the time interval to 60µs with 4096 samples, use:
SENS:SWE:TINT 60E-6, (@1)
SENS:SWE:POIN 4096, (@1)
5.12 µs
10.24 µs
20.48 µs
40.96 µs
Keysight N6700C Series User's Guide