4 Operating the Power System
Front Panel Menu Reference
In the front panel menu, select
Check the Enable box. Then press Select.
To disable, uncheck the box.
Step 2. Specify which Output Channels will be Synchronized
Select the output channels that will be synchronized:
Front Panel Menu Reference
In the front panel menu, select
Check which channels will be coupled. Then press
To remove a channel, uncheck the box.
Step 3. Specify the Turn-On Delays for each Output Channel
Turn-on delays can be specified for all coupled output channels. Any delay sequence can be
implemented. There are no restrictions on what the sequence is or what channel comes up first:
Front Panel Menu Reference
For channels 1, 2, 3, and 4, select
Output\Sequence\Delay. Specify the Turn-on delay for
each channel in seconds. Then press Select.
Step 4. Specify Common Delay Offset
This step is required if you have power modules with different minimum delay offsets. Specifying a
common delay offset assures that the user-programmed turn-on delays will be synchronized to start
at the completion of the common delay offset. Select the delay offset of the slowest power module in
the mainframe and use that as the common delay offset:
Front Panel Menu Reference
In the front panel menu, select
Output\Sequence\Couple. The Max delay offset for this
frame field displays the delay offset of the slowest power
module in the frame. Enter the delay offset value of the
slowest power module in the Delay offset field in
milliseconds. Then press Select.
Note that you can program a common delay that is longer than the maximum delay offset of the
mainframe. You may choose a longer value to make your program flexible for future configurations
that may have power modules with longer delay offsets. However, if you program a value that is
SCPI Command
To enable, send:
To disable, send:
SCPI Command
To specify a channel or channels:
SCPI Command
Program a turn-on delays for channels 1 through 4:
OUTP:DEL:RISE .01,(@1)
OUTP:DEL:RISe .02,(@2)
OUTP:DEL:RISE .03,(@3)
OUTP:DEL:RISE .04,(@4)
SCPI Command
To query the delay offset of the slowest power module
in the mainframe (the maximum delay offset) in
To specify the common delay offset for the mainframe
in seconds:
Keysight N6700C Series User's Guide