[:LEVel] <value>, (@chanlist)
:TIMe <value>, (@chanlist)
:NSTeps <value>, (@chanlist)
[:LEVel] <value>, (@chanlist)
:TIMe <value>, (@chanlist)
:TIMe <value>, (@chanlist)
:TIMe <value>, (@chanlist)
[:LEVel] <value>, (@chanlist)
:TIMe <value>, (@chanlist)
: TRAPezoid
:TIMe <value>, (@chanlist)
:FTIMe <value>, (@chanlist)
:RTIMe <value>, (@chanlist)
[:LEVel] <value>, (@chanlist)
:TIMe <value>, (@chanlist)
[:LEVel] <value>, (@chanlist)
:TIMe <value>, (@chanlist)
[:DATA] <Bool>{,<Bool>}, (@chanlist)
:POINts? (@chanlist)
:DWELl <value>, {<value>}, (@chanlist)
:POINts? (@chanlist)
:LEVel <value>, {<value>}, (@chanlist)
:POINts? (@chanlist)
:FUNCtion <function>, (@chanlist)
:SHAPe <shape>, (@chanlist)
:TYPE CURRent|VOLTage|RESISTANCE, (@chanlist) Selects the Arb type (replaces ARB:FUNCtion)
:COUNt <value>|INFinity, (@chanlist)
:LENGth? (@chanlist)
:QUALity? (@chanlist)
:RESet (@chanlist)
:COUNt <value>|INFinity, <step#> (@chanlist)
:CURRent <function>, <step#> (@chanlist)
Keysight N6700C Series User's Guide
Sets the end level of the staircase
Sets the length of the end time
Sets the number of steps in the staircase
Sets the initial level of the staircase
Sets the length of the start time or delay
Sets the length of the staircase
Sets the end level of the step
Sets the initial level of the step
Sets the length of the start time or delay
Sets the length of the end time
Sets the length of the fall time
Sets the length of the rise time
Sets the initial level of the trapezoid
Sets the length of the start time or delay
Sets the top level of the trapezoid
Sets the length of the top of the trapezoid
Generate triggers at the Beginning Of STep
Returns the number of BOST points
Sets the user-defined dwell values
Returns the number of dwell points
Sets the user-defined level values
Returns the number of points
Selects the Arb function (for backward compatibility)
Selects the Arb function (replaces ARB:FUNCtion)
Sets the number of times the sequence is repeated
Returns the number of steps in the sequence
Returns the quality of the waveforms in the sequence
Resets the sequence to its power-on default setting
Sets the number of times the sequence step is repeated
Programs the steps in a current sequence
1 Quick Reference