1 Quick Reference
Front Panel Keys at a Glance
Meter returns the display to metering mode.
Menu accesses the command menu.
Channel selects or highlights a channel to control.
Back backs out of a menu without activating any changes.
Help accesses information about the displayed menu control.
Error displays any error messages in the error queue.
Arrows let you move around in the command menus.
Select lets you make a selection in the command menus. It also lets you enter edit mode for
editing the numeric parameters.
On/Off controls the selected output (or all outputs when All is lit). This key is only active in
Single- channel or Multiple-channel view.
Voltage lets you change the voltage setting.
Current lets you change the current setting.
The 0 through 9 keys enter numbers.
The (.) key is the decimal point.
The – key is used to enter a minus sign.
arrow keys increment or decrement voltage or current settings. They also select
letters in alphabetic entry fields.
The E key enters an exponent. Add the value to the right of the E.
back arrow key deletes digits as it backspaces over them.
The Enter key enters a value. If you exit a field without pressing the Enter key, the value is
Keysight N6700C Series User's Guide