4 Operating the Power System
The heavy solid line illustrates the locus of possible operating points as a function of the load voltage.
Note that in voltage priority mode, a current limit can be imposed. As shown by the horizontal portion
of the line, the input voltage remains regulated at its programmed setting as long as the input current
remains within the current limit setting. A CV (constant voltage) status flag indicates that the input
current is within the limit settings.
When the input current reaches the current limit, the unit is no longer in constant voltage operation
and the input voltage is no longer held constant. Instead, the load module will now regulate the input
current at its current limit setting. A CL (current limit) status flag is set to indicate that a current limit
has been reached. If the input voltage increases until it exceeds 110% of the rated input voltage, the
overvoltage protection will trip and the output will turn off.
Power Priority Mode
In this mode, the load module will regulate the power being drawn from the DUT according to the
programmed constant power value.
The load module regulates the input power by measuring the input voltage and current and adjusting
the input power based on data streamed from the measurement ADCs.
Keysight N6700C Series User's Guide