Begin with the ball in Neutral Ball Position (NBP) on the floor. Kneeling behind the ball on
the floor, lean forward and place your abdomen on the ball. Place your hands on the floor
in front of the ball and walk forward until your legs are straight, with the toes touching the
floor. Center the ball under your pelvis so that your weight is distributed equally between
your upper and lower body. See FIG. 7a. Inhale and lift your right leg up until it is parallel
to the floor or lower. Then lift your left arm until it is parallel to the floor or lower. See
FIG. 7b. Hold and balance in this position for 3 - 5 seconds. Exhale and lower your arm
and leg simultaneously back down onto the floor. Repeat this arm/leg raise with the
opposite leg and arm. Perform 8 - 20 repetitions to fatigue (one lift on each side equals
one repetition). For a more advanced variation, lift the arm and leg simultaneously to the
balance position. To return to the starting position, roll back on the ball, lower your knees
to the floor, then stand upright.
FIG. 7a
FIG. 7b
Begin with the ball in NBP on the floor. Sit on the floor and grip the ball between your
ankles. Lie back and place the elbows on the floor, keeping the lower back in a neutral
position, not rounded or arched. See FIG. 8a. Holding the ball between your ankles, lift
your feet off the floor a few inches. See FIG. 8b. Keep your back straight, and use your
ab muscles to stabilize by bracing your core before you lift your legs. Perform 8 - 20
repetitions to fatigue. To return to the starting position, lower your feet down to the floor.
FIG. 8a
FIG. 8b
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