Supplement to Section 4 Processing, Cleaning, Care, Disinfection and Sterilization
The instruments can be machine-processed in the same way as other instruments provided
they are fixed in place securely, e.g. in special mesh trays or MIS mobile units, and the
washing/flushing system used is adequate for processing MIS instruments.
Supplement to Section 4.2 Machine Cleaning, Section 4.2.1 General Notices
The instrument trays used for cleaning must be loaded so that the desired cleaning result
will not be compromised (see e.g. Fig. 7-1).
The needle holders must be set to neutral position so that the ratchet is open.
The cleaning and disinfecting agents used must be compatible with the instrument
materials and provide the required hygienic and microbiological effectiveness. A thorough
rinse must ensure that no cleaning or care agent residues are left on the instrument
Special mesh trays or suitable fixation means must be used for the instruments. If
necessary, use a mobile unit (slide-in load carrier) providing special flushing technology
with Luer-lock cleaning connectors (siehe Fig. 7-5) to ensure reliable cleaning and internal
flushing of the instruments.
Fig. 7-5:
Cleaning connector
5 Luer-lock cleaning connector for connection to the flushing system of a MIS mobile unit
Instruments made of different materials
Metal-coated (e.g. TiNi) surfaces and all titanium parts (see Fig. 7-6) can be adversely affected
even after a short time when using alkaline cleaning agents and/or acid neutralizers. This
usually takes the form of a slight, grayish or brownish discoloration of the coated surfaces or
fading of the color-coded handles and nuts. Judging from the current state of research, this
does not in any way compromise the proper functioning of the instruments. Nonetheless, using
neutral-pH agents is the best option to ensure gentle treatment of your instrument surfaces.
Instructions for Use
Surgical Instruments
Revision 5