AVENTICS | Bus Coupler AES/Valve Driver AV, Ethernet POWERLINK | R412018143–BAL–001–AF
Manual IP address assignment 98
Material number of bus coupler 113
Module sequence 81
Obligations of the system owner 74
Opening and closing the window 97
Parameter data
Electrical supply plate 95
Pneumatic supply plate with UA-OFF monitoring board 96
Valve driver 94
Error-response parameters 87
Of bus coupler 85
Permissible configurations
I/O zone 121
Valve zone 119
Personnel qualifications 73
Pin assignments
Fieldbus connections 77
Of M12 plug on supply plate 110
Power supply 78
PLC configuration key 115
I/O zone 116
Valve zone 115
Pneumatic supply plate 109
Pneumatic supply plate with UA-OFF monitoring board 96
Diagnostic data 96
Process data 96
Power supply 78
Presettings on bus coupler 97
Process data
Electrical supply plate 95
Pneumatic supply plate with UA-OFF monitoring board 96
Valve driver 92
Product damage 75
Rating plate on bus coupler 115
Reading the diagnostic display 106
Safety instructions 72
General 73
Presentation 69
Product and technology-dependent 74
Sections 118
Stand-alone system 107
Structure of data
Pneumatic supply plate with UA-OFF monitoring board 96
Symbols 70
Table of malfunctions 123
Technical data 126
Transition plate 109
Troubleshooting 123
UA-OFF monitoring board 113
Valve driver
Device description 79
Diagnostic data 93
Parameter data 94
Process data 92
Valve driver boards 111
Valve system
Commissioning 104
Configuration 81
Conversion 107
Device description 107
Valve zone 108
Base plates 109
Bridge cards 112
Conversion 117
Conversion checklist 121
Conversion documentation 121
Electrical components 120
Electrical supply plate 110
Impermissible configurations 120
Permissible configurations 119
PLC configuration key 115
Pneumatic supply plate 109
Sections 118
Transition plate 109
Valve driver boards 111