Features and Functions
Configure continuity measurements:
Beeper: Off or On (default)
Configure diode measurements:
Beeper: Off or On (default)
Configure 2-wire and 4-wire temperature measurements.
Probe Settings: RTD 2w, RTD 4w (default), Thermis2w, Thermis4w, TCouple
(34465A/70A only)
Additional settings for probe type RTD 2w or RTD 4w:
R0: R 0 is the nominal resistance of an RTD at 0 °C. Default 100 Ω
Low Power: Disables (Off) or enables (On) low power measurements. Applies
only to the 34465A and 34470A.
Additional settings for probe type Thermis2w and Thermis4w:
Low Power: Disables (Off) or enables (On) low power measurements. Applies
only to the 34465A and 34470A.
Additional settings for probe type TCouple:
Type: J (default), K, E, T, N, or R
Reference: Internal or Fixed
Offset Adjust:(Available for an internal reference only). -20 °C to +20 °C.
Default: 0 °C.
Fixed Offset: (Available for a fixed reference only)-20 °C to +80 °C. Default: 0 °C.
Aperture NPLC: 0.02, 0.2, 1, 10, 100. Default: 10 (34460A/61A)
0.02, 0.06, 0.2, 1, 10, 100. Default: 10 (34465A/70A without DIG option)
0.001, 0.002, 0.006, 0.02, 0.06, .2, 1, 10, 100. Default: 10 (34465A/70A with
DIG option)
Range, Resolution and NPLC
Aperture Time (applies only to the 34465A and 34470A): (Without the
DIG option) 200 µs to 1 s (2 µs resolution), default: 100 ms. (With the DIG
option) 20 µs to 1 s (2 µs resolution), default: 100 ms.
Auto Zero: Off or On (default) (2-wire measurements only; not available for 4-
wire measurements)
OffstComp: Off (default) or ON. (RTD 2-wire and RTD 4-wire measurements
Open Check: TCouple measurements only.*
Units: °C, °F, or K
Start and stop measurements.
for more information.
Keysight Truevolt Series Operating and Service Guide