SCPI Error Messages
Command Errors (-100...)
Execution Errors (-200...)
Device-Specific Errors (-300...)
Query Errors (-400...)
Network Errors (+100...)
Instrument Errors (+200...)
Miscellaneous Errors (+300... and +500..)
Licensing and Self-test Errors (+600...)
Calibration Errors (+700...)
Miscellaneous Errors (+800...)
The instrument returns error messages in accordance with the SCPI standard.
Up to 20 errors can be stored in the instrument's error queue. Each remote interface I/O session
(GPIB, USB, VXI-11, Telnet/Sockets) has its own interface-specific error queue. Errors appear in the
error queue of the I/O session that caused the error. For example, if an error was generated by a com-
mand sent over GPIB, send
instrument hardware are broadcast to all I/O sessions.
The instrument beeps each time an error is generated (unless disabled by
OFF). The front panel Error annunciator turns on when one or more errors are in the error queue.
A special global error queue holds all power-on and hardware-related errors (for example, over-
Error retrieval is first-in-first-out (FIFO), and errors are cleared as you read them. When you have read
all of the interface-specific errors, the errors in the global error queue are retrieved. When you have
read all errors from the interface-specific and global error queues, the Error annunciator turns off.
If more than 20 errors have occurred, the most recent error stored in the queue is replaced with -
350,"Queue overflow". No additional errors are stored until you remove errors from the queue. If no
errors have occurred when you read the error queue, the instrument responds with +0,"No error".
The front panel reports errors from all I/O sessions and the global error queue. To read the error
queue from the front panel, press Help > View remote command error queue.
Error conditions are also summarized in the Status Byte Register. For more information on the SCPI
Status System, see
Status Subsystem
The interface-specific error queues are cleared by the
is cycled. All errors are cleared when you read the error queue. The error queue is not cleared by a
Factory Reset (*RST) or an Instrument Preset (SYSTem:PRESet).
Keysight Truevolt Series Operating and Service Guide
from GPIB to read the error queue. Errors generated by
SCPI Programming Reference
(Clear Status) command and when power