MMEMory:CATalog[:ALL]? [<folder>[<filespec>]]
Returns a list of files in the specified folder.
; defaults to folder selec-
valid folder name
ted by
List all files in the folder MyData on the front panel USB storage device:
List all state files in the root directory of internal memory:
MMEM:CAT? "INT:\*.sta"
If <filespec> is omitted or is *.*, the command or query acts on all files. You can also use the * as a
generic wildcard: *.sta, abc*.*, and so on.
The catalog takes the following form:
<mem_used>,<mem_free>{,"<file listing>"}
The instrument returns two numbers and a string for each file in the folder. The first number is the
number of bytes used on the drive. The second indicates the number of bytes available. Each <file list-
ing> is in the format "<file_name>,<file_type>,<file_size>" (including the quotation marks), where
<file_name> is the name of the file including file extension, if any; <file_type> is either STAT for STATe
(.sta) files, ASC for DATA (.csv) files, PREF for PREFerence (.prf) files, FOLD for folders, or null for all
other file extensions; <file_size> is the file size in bytes.
If no files exist, only <mem_used>,<mem_free> is returned.
Because the instrument uses a small amount of space in the flash file system for internal use, the
<mem_used> value is never zero.
Keysight Truevolt Series Operating and Service Guide
Typical Return
SCPI Programming Reference