Zero Offset Verification
This procedure checks the instrument's zero offset performance. Verification checks are only performed
for those functions and ranges with unique offset calibration constants. Measurements are checked for
each function and range as described below.
1. Make sure you have read
2. Install the 34172B Calibration Short (or equivalent) on the front panel input terminals. Select the
Front input terminals with the Front/Rear switch.
3. Configure each function and range in the order shown in the table below corresponding to the DMM
model number. Make a measurement and return the result. Compare measurement results to the test
limits shown below.
4. Install the 34172B Calibration Short (or equivalent) on the rear-panel input terminals. Select the Rear
input terminals with the Front/Rear switch.
5. Configure each function and range in the order shown in the table below corresponding to the DMM
model number. Make a measurement and return the result. Compare measurement results to the test
limits shown below.
Input Function
DC Current
DC Volts
Short 4-wire Ohms
[1] Select 10 PLC.
: Quick performance verification test point.
Keysight Truevolt Series Operating and Service Guide
Values for 34460A DMM
24 hours 90 days 1 year 2 years
100 µA
± 0.02 µA
1 mA
10 mA
100 mA
± 4 µA
1 A
± 60 µA
3 A
100 mV
± 6 µV
1 V
± 9 µV
10 V
± 40 µV
100 V
1000 V
± 6 mV
100 Ω
± 6 mΩ
1 kΩ
± 8 mΩ
10 kΩ
± 50 mΩ
100 kΩ
± 500 mΩ
1 MΩ
10 MΩ
Error from Nominal
± 0.025 µA
± 0.060 µA
± 2 µA
± 5 µA
± 100 µA
± 600 µA
± 6.5 µV
± 10 µV
± 50 µV
± 600 µV
± 10 mV
± 7 mΩ
± 10 mΩ
± 100 mΩ
± 1 Ω
± 10 Ω
± 100 Ω
Performance Verification