SCPI Programming Reference
Mass Memory (MMEMory) and State Storage
States saved by the front panel can be accessed from remote, and vice versa. For example, configure the
instrument as desired and insert a USB drive into the front panel. Then enter the following commands. If
you do not have a USB drive change "USB:\" to "INT:\" to use the instrument's internal flash drive instead.
MMEMory:CDIRectory "USB:\"
MMEMory:MDIRectory "States"
MMEMory:STORe:STATE "USB:\States\State1"
To return to this state at any time:
MMEMory:LOAD:STATE "USB:\States\State1"
You can also recall a state file from the front panel by pressing [Utility] > Store/Recall.
MMEMory:LOAD:PREFerences <file>
MMEMory:STORe:PREFerences <file>
LOAD: Reboots the instrument and loads the nonvolatile I/O settings and user preferences from a file. The
specified file cannot be empty or marked as hidden or system.
STORE: Stores nonvolatile I/O settings and user preferences to a file. If the destination file exists, it will be
overwritten, unless marked as hidden or system.
When loading a preferences file that specifies a static IP address, be careful that this does not result in two
instruments with the same IP address on your LAN. This could cause LAN configuration errors on both
Any valid file name
The .prf file extension is optional. If you do not include this extension, the
instrument firmware will automatically append it.
Stores the current nonvolatile I/O settings and user preferences into the specified file:
MMEM:STOR:PREF "INT:\MyPreferences"
Load nonvolatile I/O settings and user preferences from the specified file:
MMEM:LOAD:PREF "INT:\MyPreferences"
See the
State File/Preferences File table
The specified folder must exist and cannot be marked as hidden or system.
for a listing of the information contained in each file.
Keysight Truevolt Series Operating and Service Guide
Typical Return