DATA2 Subsystem 334
DATA2? 334
TEMPerature Subsystem 358
VOLTage Subsystem 372
SENSe Subsystem Introduction 313
Serial Poll 275
service 478, 528, 535, 544-545, 548-550,
552-553, 559-560, 563-565, 567-
Service Request 408
enable 390
Settling Time Effects 189
Setup, System 149
SLOPe 204, 432
SLOW 234
SMASk 413
Smoothing 108
SMOothing 234-235
SNAMe 278
SOURce 308, 430, 433
SRE 274
Standard Event Register 273
Standard Operation Register 273
STATe 216, 221, 227-228, 232, 235, 240,
277, 299-300, 314-316, 321, 338,
349, 361, 374, 395
State Store and Recall 140
Statistical functions
maximum value 196
minimum value 196
Statistics 109
STATus 389-391
Status Byte Register 273
STATus Subsystem 386
STB? 275
STORe 240, 298-299, 305
STRing 241
support 35
SWITch 333
Symbols, safety 13
Syntax Conventions 195
SYSTem 394-404, 406-415, 417-418,
LICense Subsystem 422
LOCK Subsystem 419
System Setup 149
SYSTem Subsystem - General Purpose
Commands 392
SYSTem Subsystem - IO
Configuration 405
taking readings 95
TELNet 414-415
TEMP? 241, 393
TEMPerature 198, 209, 251, 288, 359,
359-368, 370-371, 402
Temperature (34460 and 34461A) 69
Temperature (34465A and 34470A) 71
Temperature Measurements 172
Temperature Probe Type Choice 172
Keysight Truevolt Series Operating and Service Guide