HCOPy Subsystem 263
Help 41
HELP 398
Help system 41
HI-Z 381
High-Voltage Self-Heating Errors 190
High–Frequency (Out–of–Band)
Error 169
High–Frequency Signal Content and True
RMS Accuracy 168
High–Speed AC Measurements 173
High–Speed DC and Resistance Meas-
urements 174
High Resistance Measurement Errors 166
Histogram 133
HISTogram 218-221
HNAMe 278
hold readings 100
HOST 418
HOSTname 411
How Sample Rate/Interval is
Determined 193
HP34401A 399
I/O Configuration 144
LAN 423, 425
IDENtify 277, 399
IDN? 269
IEEE 488.2 Commands 197, 271
IEEE 488.2 Common Commands 264
Keysight Truevolt Series Operating and Service Guide
IMMediate 198, 203, 212, 214, 232, 394,
402, 433
IMPedance 381
INFormation 304
INITiate 203
Input impedance 381
Input terminal measurement limits 18
INSTall 425
Instrument Errors 461
Instrument Preset 261, 308, 311, 396,
403, 475
integration table 456
integration time 456
INTernal 430, 433
internal DMM 367
internal fuse replacement 495
Interval and Sample Rate 193
Introduction to instrument 23
Introduction to the SCPI Language 195
IPADdress 412
Keysight 35
Keysight IO Libraries Suite 194
LABel 400
LAN 408-415, 417
configuring 278
LAN configuration 27