Reset state 475
Resistance 66
RESistance 250, 287, 313, 348-357, 365
Resistance Measurement
Considerations 165
resolution 453
RESolution 330, 355, 359, 383
resolution table 453, 456
RESolved 278
RESPonse 234
RESTart 279
Return Format 310
Returns 317
autoranging 316
pretrigger 307
RJUNction 368
RLIMit 304
ROUTe 207
Row limit 304
RST 197, 274, 396, 403
RTD 251, 288, 361, 365-366, 370
Safety information 11
Safety notices 13
Safety symbols 13
SAMPle 306-308, 310
Sample Rate and Interval 193
SAMPle Subsystem Introduction 306
SAV 273
Keysight Truevolt Series Operating and Service Guide
SCALe 222-228
Scaling 105, 228, 444
function 313, 321-323, 338-339, 349-
351, 361
reference 254, 290
units 228
Scaling, dB/dBM 103
SCPI Command Terminators 197
SCPI Parameter Types 197
SDEViation 230
SDUMp 263
SECondary 327, 331, 344, 363, 379, 383-
Secondary Measurements 93
SECondary, CAPacitance 318, 356
SECure 239-240
security 532
SECurity 401-402
security code override 500, 536
SELect 300
Self-Heating Errors 190
self-test 487
Self-test 276
Self-Test Errors 461
SENSe 313-318, 320-333, 337-344, 346-
357, 359-368, 370-371, 373-385
{FREQuency|PERiod} Subsystem 336
Subsystem 345
CURRent Subsystem 319