Introduction to the Instrument
Firmware Update
Use the following procedure to update instrument firmware:
Do not turn off the instrument during the update.
1. Press [Help] > About to determine what instrument firmware version is currently installed.
2. Go to
this matches the version installed on your instrument, there is no need to continue with this pro-
cedure. Otherwise, download the firmware update utility and a ZIP file of the firmware. Detailed firm-
ware instructions are in the Firmware Update Utility Instructions located on the download page.
3. Unzip the ZIP file and use the firmware update utility to prepare a USB drive with the updated firm-
4. Attach the USB drive to the instrument front panel and press [Utility] > Test / Admin > Firmware
Update to update the firmware. If the security option is installed, unlock the instrument with the
security code before installing firmware.
Important: In order to update the instrument firmware from remote, the model number in the
response must match the actual instrument model number. If you have changed the instrument's
response to another instrument, when attempting to update the firmware from remote, you will see this
error: The instrument is not supported by this firmware file. To update the firmware, either update using
the front panel procedure or, from remote, use
model number, update the firmware, and then use
the other model number.
and use the links there to find the latest firmware version. If
to set the
Keysight Truevolt Series Operating and Service Guide
to match the actual
again to set the
response to