SCPI Programming Reference
[SENSe:]CURRent:AC:BANDwidth {<filter>|MIN|MAX|DEF}
Sets the bandwidth for AC current measurements.
The instrument uses three different AC filters that enable you either to optimize low frequency accuracy
or to achieve faster AC settling times following a change in input signal amplitude.
On the 34461A, 34465A, or 34470A, use the
which current terminals to use for the measurement.
{3 Hz|20 Hz|200 Hz}. Default: 20Hz. +2.00000000E+01
Make and read an AC current measurement. Use the 3 Hz filter bandwidth:
Typical Response: +5.23918293E+00
If you enter the lowest expected frequency that you intend to encounter, the command will select the
appropriate <filter>. For example, if you enter 15 Hz, the slow filter (3 Hz) is selected. If you enter 190
Hz, the medium filter (20 Hz) is selected to provide the appropriate low cutoff.
Set the lowest frequency that you expect to encounter. Lower bandwidths result in longer settling
delays, as shown:
Input Frequency
3 Hz - 300 kHz (Slow)
20 Hz - 300 kHz (Medium) 0.25 s/measurement
200 Hz - 300 kHz (Fast)
This parameter is set to its default value after a Factory Reset (*RST) or Instrument Preset
Typical Return
Default Settling Delay
1.66 s/measurement
0.025 s/measurement
Keysight Truevolt Series Operating and Service Guide
command to specify