Defining the Patient's Pain
From the Patient Info screen, select the Pain Scale
Figure 2: Pain Scale Screen
Note: As indicated on the Pain Scale screen in Figure 2, 0 represents No Pain and 10 represents the
Worst Pain Imaginable.
To enter a Patient's Pain Scale:
1. Select the Sliding Number button on the Therapy ON bar and slide it to the number that
best represents the Patient's level of pain when Therapy is ON.
2. Select the Sliding Number button on the Therapy OFF bar and slide it to the number that
best represents the Patient's level of pain when Therapy is OFF.
Note: Therapy can be turned on and off at any time, by selecting the Therapy On/Off button at the top
of the screen.
Configuring the CP and Stimulator
button to display the Pain Scale screen.
Bionic Navigator™ 3D 4.0 Programming Manual
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