Beds require an effective maintenance program . We recommend checking these items annually . Use this sheet for your
records and keep on file .
______All fasteners secure (reference all assembly drawings) .
______Inspect for excessive wear on the oil-impregnated bronze shoulder spacers found at the bed hinge points . Do
not lubricate these spacers . Replace as needed .
______Check that grease is present on the components detailed in section "Lubrication Requirements", lubricate if
necessary . Lubricate at least every two years .
______On both sides of the bed, depress the side of the pedal identified with a red arrow and ensure that the brakes
are applied and the bed is immobilized . Toggle the pedal to neutral and ensure the brakes release . On both
sides of the bed, depress the side of the pedal identified with a green arrow and ensure that the steer wheel is
engaged . Toggle the pedal to neutral and ensure that the steer wheel disengages .
______Siderails move, latch and stow properly .
______All controls of the foot end panel working properly, including LEDs .
______Calibrate the scale (optional) . Refer to the "Scale Calibration Procedure" .
______All siderail controls working properly .
______Ensure that the nurse call (optional) alarm sounds in the nurse station .
______ Verify the CPR emergency release using both CPR release handles: raise the Fowler fully up and, using the
CPR handle, lower the Fowler gradually to flat position by pulling, holding and releasing the handle several
times . Ensure the Gatch (if raised) also starts flattening when the Fowler is completely down . Following
the complete lowering of the Fowler, wait approximately 30 seconds - the time for the Fowler actuator to reset
- and verify that the actuator has indeed reset itself by raising the Fowler fully up .
______Verify the Fowler, Gatch and Hi-Lo movements to ensure that the motion interrupt switch integrated to the four
electric motors is operating properly .
______Auxiliary outlet (option available only with 120VAC beds) working properly .
______Night light working properly .
______No cracks in the headboard or footboard, siderails, wheel covers, steer wheel hood (optional) and plastic covers
(optional) of the head and foot sections .
______Head end bumpers tightly secured to frame and working properly .
______No rips or cracks in mattress cover . Replace if so .
______Power cord intact .
______No cables pinched or worn .
______All electrical connections tight .
______All grounds secure to the frame .
______All casters roll properly . Check caster for cuts, wear, etc .
______Ground Impedance not more than 100 mΩ (milliohms) .
______Current leakage not more than 100 µA (microamps) .
______Make sure that the ground chain is in place, intact and it's touching the floor (see Figure 1 .9,
______Check labels as specified in the Operations and Maintenance manuals for legibility, proper adherence and
integrity .
Bed Serial Number:
Completed by: _______________________________________
Preventative Maintenance
280C-009-002 REV B
1-8) .
Date: _________________
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