Standard receivers (without IPD or similar):
If your receiver does not feature signal checking / cor-
rection (e.g. Pico 3/4, Pico 5/6), slight jitter close to the
range limit is acceptable.
Receivers with IPD, PCM or similar:
If your receiver checks and corrects the signal, it will
suppress the onset of servo jitter. At the range limit the
servo movements will initially become irregular (hesi-
tant). Beyond the range limit the servos will either go
into HOLD mode (last good position retained) or FAIL-
SAFE (pre-programmed positions taken up).
The following have a major influence on effective
radio range ...
... ambient conditions
On steep mountain slopes or close to public service
radio transmitters, radar stations and similar the ef-
fective range may only be half of normal. The ter-
rain, the ground quality and the weather conditions
also have an effect on radio range.
... receiver technology and sophistication
Technically sophisticated receivers have greater
effective range than simpler, cheaper receivers.
... the installation in the model
aerial deployment, distance to batteries, motors,
servos, ignition systems, metal / carbon fibre parts -
all these affect radio range.
Important: read the receiver instructions
Please read the information regarding range in the
instructions supplied with your receiver. They will also
give you guidelines for range checking.
Important - if the model is powered:
Start by checking the radio range with the motor
switched off. Repeat the check with the motor running
(varying the throttle setting): the range should not be
reduced significantly. If there is a marked difference,
look for the cause of the interference (power system,
receiving system arrangement and power supply, vibra-
tion ...).
Liability exclusion
The sport of radio-controlled modelling is a fascinating
hobby, but model aircraft, cars and boats are not toys
in the usual sense of the term. Building and operating
them requires a high level of technincal expertise,
manual skill and a responsible, safety-conscious atti-
tude. Faults, errors and negligence can result in seri-
ous property damage and personal injury. You, as op-
erator of the model, bear the responsibility for the risks
which the model represents. As manufacturers we do
not accept liability for these risks. The same also ap-
plies if uncontrollable interference and other problems
occur. This situation means that you, as operator of the
model, are expected to exercise a high level of care.
Since the manufacturer and retailer have no influence
on the way you build, operate and maintain your model
and your radio control system, all we can do is ex-
pressly point out the dangers involved in this activity.
MULTIPLEX Modellsport GmbH & Co. KG therefore
accepts no liability for losses, damage or costs which
arise as a result of the improper use and operation of
the product, or are connected with it in any way.
The obligation to pay damages, regardless of the legal
argument employed, is limited to the invoice value of
the MULTIPLEX products which were immediately
involved in the event which resulted in the damage, in
so far as this is legally permissible. This does not apply
if the company is found to be liable according to statu-
tory regulation due to deliberate or gross negligence.
MULTIPLEX Modellsport GmbH & Co. KG does not
guarantee that the documents supplied with this radio
control system are complete and correct in every re-
Please be sure to read the appropriate information
sheets in the transmitter documentation!
Our products are covered by a guarantee which fulfils
the currently valid legal requirements. If you wish to
make a claim under guarantee, please contact the re-
tailer from whom you first purchased the equipment.
The guarantee does not cover faults which were
caused in the following ways:
improper use, incorrect connection, reversed polar-
maintenance work carried out late, incorrectly or not
at all, or by unauthorised personnel,
use of other than genuine MULTIPLEX accessories,
modifications or repairs which were not carried out
by MULTIPLEX or an authorised MULTIPLEX Ser-
vice Centre,
accidental or deliberate damage,
defects caused by normal wear and tear,
operation outside the Specification, or in conjunction
with equipment made by other manufacturers.
Please be sure to read the appropriate information
sheets in the transmitter documentation!
CE Conformity Declaration
MULTIPLEX Modellsport GmbH & Co. KG hereby de-
clares that the device described here fulfils the re-
quirements of the following harmonised EU directives:
Protection requirements concerning electromagnetic compatibility
EN 300 220-3, EN 301 489-1, EN 301 489-3
Measures for the efficient use of the radio frequency spectrum
EN 300 220-3
The detailed CE conformity declaration can be
downloaded in the form of a PDF file from the Internet
under www.multiplex-rc.de. It is located in the
Page 8