Use Of X-Ray Imaging To Identify An Implanted Avista Mri Lead - Boston Scientific Avista MRI Mode D'emploi

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Avista™ MRI xxcm Contact Lead Kit
Use only the suture sleeves provided with the MRI lead kit or the Clik™ X MRI anchor to secure the leads.
Explant any previously abandoned leads, extensions, splitters or adapters that may be in the patient (i.e.
leads, extensions, splitters, or adapaters, or portions of, that are not connected directly to an IPG).
Note: Other implanted medical devices may limit or restrict MRI scans.
It is recommended that you enter all component model number and implant location information using the
ImageReady MRI Full Body Patient Eligibility Checklist and maintain it in the patient's medical records.
When adding, changing, or removing IPGs, leads or accessories, it is recommended that you complete a
new ImageReady MRI Full Body Patient Eligibility Checklist and maintain it in the patient medical record.
For the full body MRI conditions and MRI-specific warnings and precautions for conducting an MRI scan,
refer to the ImageReady MRI Full Body Guidelines for your SCS System.

Use of X-ray Imaging to Identify an Implanted Avista MRI Lead

On the x-ray image, look for the radio-opaque suture sleeves as an identifier, and/or a radiolucency
proximal to contact 8 (most caudad contact). See Figures 1-3.
Note: Do not use x-ray identification to conclude that the entire SCS system is full body MRI Scan eligible.
Figure 1: Avista MRI Lead with radiolucency proximal to contact 8 vs. Non MRI Leads
Figure 1a: Avista MRI Lead. Circle A shows region of
radiolucency proximal to contact 8 (most caudad contact).
Avista™ MRI xxcm Contact Lead Kit
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Figure 1b: Non-MRI Lead. Provided for reference.


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