Permanent Lead Anchoring And Tunneling - Boston Scientific Avista MRI Mode D'emploi

Table des Matières


Avista™ MRI xxcm Contact Lead Kit
1. After linking the Clinician Programmer to the Trial Stimulator, check impedances to verify that
components are properly connected. Lead impedance is measured and displayed for each of the
IPG's contacts.
Impedances, indicated by an orange circle on the Programmer software, are considered to be resultant
from open or unconnected wires.
2. Using test stimulation, enlist patient feedback to verify lead placement and pain coverage.
Note: If lead repositioning is necessary, turn stimulation off before proceeding.
3. Reposition leads as necessary.
CAUTION: Do not force the stylet into the lead.
4. Steer lead to new position.
5. Remove stylet, wipe proximal ends of leads.
6. Check impedances.
7. Repeat steps 1-3 if the lead has been repositioned.
8. When the desired lead placement is achieved:
a. Turn the Trial Stimulator off.
b. Unlock each OR cable connector and disconnect from the lead(s).
c. For percutaneous lead (s) - Slowly withdraw the stylet (s).
9. Record the lead position by capturing a fluoroscopic image to be sure the leads have not moved.
Retest if necessary.
10. For a Permanent Trial or permanent IPG Implantation using percutaneous MRI leads, proceed to

"Permanent Lead Anchoring and Tunneling".

Before receiving a permanent SCS system, it is recommended that patients undergo a trial procedure so
that they can experience stimulation to evaluate if SCS is effective at treating their chronic pain.
Permanent Lead Anchoring and Tunneling
Removing the Insertion Needle
1. Cut down around the insertion needle to provide access for anchoring the lead.
2. Carefully withdraw the insertion needle from the epidural space by slowly pulling the needle up
towards the proximal end of the lead while holding the lead in place (Figure 6).
3. Once the insertion needle tip is exposed, hold the lead as close to the exit site as possible, then
carefully pull the needle completely from the lead.
4. Remove the stylet.
Avista™ MRI xxcm Contact Lead Kit
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Figure 6: Removal of the Insertion Needle


Table des Matières

Table des Matières