PMAC Motor Data
Setup::Motor Control::MotorData PMAC
Parameters::Motor Control::PMAC Motor Data
Only available if PMAC Motor selected in Control Mode.
The PMAC Motor Data contains the parameters needed to run and control of a PMAC motor. A PMAC motor is a Permanent Magnet AC Motor
with sinusoidal back EMF.
Parameter Descriptions
PMAC Max Speed
Set the motor's rated speed in rpm.
PMAC Max Current
Set the motor's maximum current ( Amps rms ).
PMAC Rated Current
Set the motor's rated current ( Amps rms ).
Refer to Motor Current Percent in the Feedbacks function. A value of 100% = PMAC rated Current.
PMAC Rated Torque
Set the motor's rated torque.
Refer to Actual Torque in the Feedbacks function. A value of 100% = PMAC Rated Torque.
PMAC Motor Poles
Set the number of motor poles, e.g. for a 4 poles motor enter "4".
PMAC Back Emf Const KE
Set the motor's Back EMF line to line, rms value (Ke, Volts rms per 1000 rpm)
PMAC Winding Resistance
Set the motor's resistance, line to line at 25 °C.
PMAC Winding Inductance
Set the motor's inductance line to line at maximum current. This parameter is used within the current loop and is related to the
overall proportional gain.
AC30V series Variable Speed Drive
Parameter Reference