– The electrical equipment has been designed and constructed in accordance with the relevant regulations.
These regulations consider operating conditions in relation to the surrounding environment.
– The list specifi es the conditions required for the correct operation of the electrical equipment.
– The room temperature must be between 5°C and 40°C.
– Relative humidity must be between 50% (measured at 40°C) and 90% (measured at 20°C).
– The place of installation must not be a source of electromagnetic interference and radiation (X-rays,
lasers, etc.).
– The room must not have areas with concentrations of gas or powders which are potentially explosi-
ve and/or represent a fi re hazard.
– The products and materials used during production and maintenance must not contain contami-
nants or corrosives (acids, chemicals, salts, etc.) and must not be able to penetrate and/or come into
contact with the electrical components.
– During transport and storage, the ambient temperature must be between -25°C and 55°C. However,
the electrical equipment may be exposed to a temperature of up to 70°C, provided the exposure
time does not exceed 24 hours.
IMPORTANT: If it is not possible to comply with one or more of the conditions listed, essential
for correct operation of the electrical equipment, agreement must be reached in the contract con-
cerning the additional features required to create the most suitable conditions (e.g. special electrical
components, air-conditioning equipment, etc.).
Every organisation is responsible for applying procedures to identify and monitor the eff ects of its opera-
tions (products, services, etc.) on the environment. The procedures for identifying signifi cant environmen-
tal impacts must consider the factors listed below.
– Atmospheric emissions
– Discharge of liquid effl uents
– Waste management
– Soil contamination
– Use of raw materials and natural resources
– Local problems relating to environmental impact
For this purpose, the Manufacturer provides some information which must be considered by all those au-
thorised to interact with the appliance during its expected lifetime, in order to prevent environmental im-
• All packaging materials must be disposed of in accordance with the relevant laws in the country of use.
• During use and servicing, do not dump pollutants (oils, fats, etc.) in the environment; implement separate
disposal as appropriate to the composition of the various materials and in compliance with the relevant
• If the appliance is scrapped, sort all components by characteristics and dispose of them separately.
IMPORTANT: Do not dump pollutant material in the environment. Dispose of it in complian-
ce with any applicable law.