Towed Rollers
Most general safety precautions covered earlier in this
manual are also applicable to towed roller operation.
There are many precautions specifi c to towed rollers
that must be taken. Study your manufacturer's manual
for instructions on your specifi c towed roller. Consult the
manufacturer or dealer with any concerns.
Use a tow tractor of suffi cient weight, drawbar
horsepower and braking capacity to properly control the
towed roller. Proper weight balance and distribution is
also essential.
Block under the tongues of the towed roller before
attempting to connect it to the towing vehicles or
machine. Do not attempt to lift heavy tongues or move
towed rollers by hand. Do not get any part of your body
under the tongues when hitching or unhitching.
Make sure the hitch pin is of the proper size, and is
securely locked in place before towing. If safety chains
are provided, make sure they are properly and securely
connected at both ends. Cross the chains under the
tongues when connecting to the towing vehicle. Make
sure all electrical or hydraulic connections are made
properly and securely.
Select a Proper Parking Site
Park in an off the road area, out of traffi c, or as
instructed. If necessary to park in a traffi c lane, use the
appropriate fl ags, barriers, fl ares, lights and warning
signals. Provide advance warning signals in the traffi c
lane to warn approaching traffi c.
Park on level ground whenever possible. When that's
not possible, position the machine at right angles to
the slope. Make sure the machine is on a fi rm footing,
and that there is no danger of sliding. Do not leave your
machine until you are sure it is safely blocked in both
directions and parking brakes are fi rmly applied.
WARNING! Avoid death or serious injury. Never
leave the compactor unattended with the engine
Safe Shutdown
Know the proper shutdown procedure for your machine.
As with the starting procedure, this varies with the type
and model of machine.
If equipped, always lower the dozer blade when parking.
Operate Safely
Shut Down Safely
Landfi ll Compactors
Operators of landfi ll compactors should carefully handle
materials that could be picked up and thrown by the
wheels, become lodged in the machine, or that are
highly fl ammable.
Frequent checks should be made for wire, cable
or other material wound around the axle members.
Remove them immediately.
Travel with the blade as low as possible.
Maintain good operator visibility. Keep all mesh and
windows free of accumulated materials.
When parking the machine, always lower the blade.
Follow the manufacturer's operation manual for your
machine. Remove the key(s) to prevent unauthorized
starting and movement, and position and lock any
antivandalism devices.
Dismount Properly
Make sure your machine is fully stopped and shut off
before dismounting. When you leave the compactor,
always maintain three-point contact with the steps and
grab handles. Face the compactor as you dismount.
Never jump off a machine.
Shut engine off,
remove key
Use three points
of contact when
mounting or