Standby power to maintain the operating temperature of the counter's internal
OCXO reference oscillator (Option 010) is provided by the line voltage or from
Battery Option 300. Standby power is enabled and disabled using the command:
[SENSe:]ROSCillator:INTernal:POWer:STANdby {OFF|ON}
With standby power
the oscillator. This may affect the oscillator's calibrated accuracy, and stability
may not occur until the specified warm-up time (45 minutes) is reached.
Note that disabling standby power with Battery Option 300 installed and the line
voltage removed will extend the time the battery remains charged.
Standby power is disabled (
following the
in non-volatile memory and is not changed after a reset (
preset (
Keysight 53210A User's Guide
enables standby power which maintains the temperature of the OCXO when
the front panel power button is switched 'off' (standby). If line power is
removed from the instrument and Battery Option 300 is installed and enabled,
standby power is supplied by the battery. Battery-supplied standby power is
24 hours.
disables standby power from either the line voltage or battery to the
internal oscillator when the front panel power button is switched 'off'.
or Preset key).
, cycling power on the instrument also cycles power to
) when the counter is shipped from the factory or
command. The current setting is stored
53210A Measurements
(query form)
) or instrument