Table A-1
53210A Error Message Descriptions.
Med ia full
File or folder name not found
File name error;
invalid character in name
File name error;
path too long
File name error;
not a folder name
File name error;
path is a folder name
File name error;
file or folder already exists
File name error;
relative path not allowed
File name error;
folder is defaul t folder
File name error;
path name missing
File name error;
drive name missing or
not recognized
File name error;
access denied
File name error;
file too large
File name error;
folder not empty
File name error;
unknown file extension
Keysight 53210A User's Guide
Internal flash memory or the USB device has no memory space
available to create the folder or file, or to perform the file
The folder or file name specified in command does not exist.
The file or folder name contains an invalid character (\ / : * ? " < >
The combination of the directory path and file name is greater than
239 characters.
The folder name specified in the memory operation is the name of
an existing file.
The file name specified in the memory operation is the name of an
existing folder.
The name specified when creating a file or folder already exists in
internal flash memory or on the USB device.
The ".." convention cannot be used to indicate the parent folder.
The folder presently specified as the default/current folder
(MMEMory:CDIRectory) cannot be deleted.
The folder or file operation specified does not include a valid path
The drive name is missing or is invalid in the path specified. Valid
drive names are INT (internal flash memory) and USB (external
USB memory device).
The folder or file operation requested cannot be performed on a
protected of system file.
The file uploaded to the counter is greater than 1 GByte.
When deleting a folder from an I/O (remote) interface, the folder
must be empty - no sub-folders or files. Un-empty folders CAN be
deleted from the front panel.
Depending on the memory operation and file type, valid file
extensions are .csv, .dat, .sta, and .prf.
53210A Error Messages