Formats and Data Flow
//verify a valid state is stored in location 3; 0 = no state
//saved, 1 = valid state in location 3
User-Defined Power-On States
The 53210A counter can be set to power-up from one of five saved state locations
or from a state file
This sequence is provided by the following commands:
//save state in instrument state locations 0-4
*SAV {0|1|2|3|4}
//store state in state file (.sta) - internal or USB
MMEMory:STORe:STATe <"file">
//enable automatic recall at power-on
//select the state location or file recalled at power-on
MEMory:STATe:RECall:SELect {0|1|2|3|4|<file>}
If automatic recall is enabled and a state location or file name is not selected, the
counter will power-on in the state it was in when last turned off (location 0).
Following are examples of a state recalled from a numbered state location and
from a state file in internal flash memory.
1 the state must currently be saved
2 recall must be enabled
3 the state location or file name must be selected
7-2). For this to occur:
(query form)
(query form)
Keysight 53210A User's Guide