53210A Math, Graphing, and Data Logging
Trend Charts
Reading trends for a given number of counter measurements (except continuous
totalize) or timestamps can be represented within a 53210A trend chart, also
known as a run chart.
Figure 6-8
Y Max: maximum reading value within display span
Y Min: minimum reading value within display span
Span: (Y Max – Y Min)
Maximum and minimum scale
boundaries and reading units.
Boundaries can be auto-scaled or set
manually. Auto-scaled boundaries
keep all readings within the display
Mkr 1: reading value at Marker1 location
Mkr 2: reading value at Marker2 location
Span: difference in values between
marker locations
Trend Window
(100 points)
Figure 6-8
shows the components of a typical counter trend chart.
reading indices
Trend Chart Display Format (without decimation).
Current reading count
Reading: marker's location in reading count
Span: number of readings between
marker locations
position window - for marker, zoom,
and pan adjustment the decimal
position (i.e. 1000's, 100's, 10's, 1's)
highlighted by the arrow keys sets
the amount of movement (coarse –
fine) for each tick of the rotary knob.
Keysight 53210A User's Guide