Triggering and Gating
Frequency Measurements
For frequency and period measurements the command used to set/change the
gate source is:
[SENSe:]FREQuency:GATE:SOURce {TIME|EXTernal|INPut[1]}
– gate source
Resolution and Gate Time
Reading resolution (in digits) is a function of the gate time.
Table 5-2
time. The table also includes formulas for estimating digits as a function of gate
time or expected values, and gate times as a function of digits.
is used to achieve a desired resolution in number of d igits. It
uses an internal gate signal and is the default gate source. It enables the gate
to remain open for a specified period while the input signal is measured. The
longer the gate time, the greater the resolution.
shows the digits of resolution achieved with the 53210A for a given gate
(query form)
Keysight 53210A User's Guide