Specifying an Absolute Threshold Level
The input threshold level can be specified as an absolute value. An absolute level
is set with the command:
INPut[1]:LEVel[:ABSolute] {<volts>|MINimum|MAXimum|DEFault}
INPut[1]:LEVel[:ABSolute]? [{MINimum|MAXimum|DEFault}]
Absolute threshold levels for the input ranges are:
Setting an absolute level d isables the counter's auto-level function.
threshold to 50%.
If auto-leveling is enabled, querying the absolute level on the current
measurement channel returns the most recently measured input threshold
voltage. If the channel is not the measurement channel, 9.91E+37 (not a
number) is returned.
Keysight 53210A User's Guide
– 5V range: ± 5.125V (2.5 mV resolution)
– 50V range: ± 51.25V (25 mV resolution
– 500V range (w/10:1 probe): ± 512.5V (250 mV resolution)
sets the absolute threshold for all measurements.
) or front panel preset (Preset) also enables auto-leveling and sets the
53210A Input Signal Conditioning
enable auto-leveling and set the threshold to 50%. A reset
(query form)