X Max: maximum reading across all bins
X Min: minimum reading across all bins
Bin Size: (X Max – X Min)/number of bins
Corresponds to bin with largest
number of entries and expressed as:
- an exact count within the bin
(Max Count)
- the bin's percentage of the total
reading count (Max %)
Rdgs < LR Bin
(out of range)
Mkr 1: maximum value within bin at marker location
Mkr 2: maximum value within bin at marker location
Span: difference in maximum values between
Bin indices
Figure 6-6
Histogram Configuration
Histograms are configured using the softkeys and commands shown in
Keysight 53210A User's Guide
Histogram Display Format.
53210A Math, Graphing, and Data Logging
Bin: Marker location and reading count
within bin (or percent of total reading
count if 'Show %')
Span: number of bins between and
including marker locations
%: percentage or number of readings
within the span
position window - for marker, zoom,
and pan adjustment the decimal
position (i.e. 1000's, 100's, 10's, 1's)
highlighted by the arrow keys sets
the amount of movement (coarse –
fine) for each tick of the rotary knob.
Histogram reading count
Rdgs > UR Bin
(out of range)