A well-working A.B.S.-brake always requires a suffi ciently strong and also fast throttle servo for a combustion engine
If you programme the A.B.S. brake in an electronic speed controller, the higher dynamics of the electronics generally
require that lower brake values are set. The A.B.S. brake loads the speed controller and motor thermally as well. The
power consumption rises as well and additionally discharges the drive battery.
"Steering mix":
Here, you can couple the activation of the "A.B.S." to the steering. A positive value (N) activates the "A.B.S." only when
the steering is located within the range about the neutral position. A negative value (E) activates the "A.B.S." only
when the steering is located outside the range about the neutral position.
Select the "Activate" button. Slide the regulator to the right or left to change the value to suit your requirements. Select
the "Activate" button to save the current value. Tap the "Back" button to return to the previous menu.
You need to scroll up the display content in the function „A.B.S." for the function „Steering mix".
l) "Throttle speed" function
This function allows you to coordinate the speed of the accelera-
tor/brake servo to suit your model.
The value that can be set for the turn speed is 0 % to 100 %. The
values in the LC display are displayed in real time. The red bar
symbolises the position of the throttle lever, the green bar in the
position of the throttle servo.
The value that can be set for the return speed is 0 % to 100 %.
The values in the LC display are shown in real-time. The green
bar symbolises the position of the accelerator lever, the red bar,
the position of the accelerator/brake servo.
Select the parameter to be changed. Slide the regulator to the
right or left to change the value to suit your requirements. Tap
the "Back" button to save the new values and return to the previ-
ous menu.
Figure 22