h) "Throttle neutral" function
This function allows you to specify the behaviour of the accelera-
tor/brake lever close to the neutral position.
This defi nes the point at which the model starts to accelerate
when the accelerate/brake lever is operated.
"Dead zone":
This is used to defi ne the magnitude of the neutral position in
which the accelerator/brake lever does not cause a reaction.
This defi nes the point at which the model starts to brake when
the accelerate/brake lever is operated.
Select the parameter to be changed. Slide the regulator to the
right or left to change the value to suit your requirements. Tap
the "Back" button to save the new values and return to the previ-
ous menu.
Set a value of 20% for „Forward" and a value of 10% for „Backward". Change the value of 100% for „Dead zone". With
this setting, you will fi nd that there is no reaction of the throttle servo in the area of the centre position of the throttle
lever. If you exceed the area selected in the display, e.g., by pushing on the throttle (pull the throttle lever towards the
grip) towards the „Dead Zone", the throttle servo adjusts to the set value. Release the throttle lever again (throttle lever
is in the neutral position), the throttle servo remains on the value set for „Forward" (e.g. 20%) until you have exceeded
the point of the „Dead zone" by pushing the throttle lever at the transmitter towards the brake. If you return the throttle
lever to the neutral position, the throttle lever remains on the value set for „Backward" (in the example: 10%).
Figure 18