Operator records
To access select the
Position the cursor on the card of the operator
requested, and select it with ENTER to visualise
and/or modify the
Enter the operator's name and surname.
Vehicle selection from user
To access select the
Select the vehicle from the databank using the
keys as follows:
↓, ↑, PAGE↓, PAGE↑, ←, → and the letter keys
to scroll through the makes and model descrip-
tions. ENTER to confirm the vehicle selection
and visualise the data.
During selection, the vehicle code is shown in
the status bar.
All the cars and vans up to and including 3500 kg
are shown on the screen.
creates a new vehicle.
Vehicle data input
Enter the reference data of the vehicle included
in the user databank.
The fields highlighted in blue are compulsory.
copies the vehicle's data into a new user
databank record and opens it in modify mode.
deletes the selected vehicle.
sets the units of measurement required.
Vehicle selection from main
To access select the
Operator's manual R.E.M.O. COMPACT
Select the vehicle from the databank using the
keys as follows:
↓, ↑, PAGE↓, PAGE↑, ←, → and the letter keys to
scroll through the makes and model descriptions.
RETURN to confirm the vehicle selection and
visualise the data.
During selection, the vehicle code is shown in
the status bar.
All the cars and vans up to and including 3500
kg are shown on the screen.
only shows the vehicles on sale on the selected
plied by the manufacturers for wheel alignment
of the vehicles.
Displaying the data for the selected vehicle from
the main databank.
databank record and opens it in modify mode.
To access select the
In the relative fields, enter the old password and
the new one, which you will have to type in again
to check that it is correct.
To access select the
Position the cursor on the make card, select it
with ↵ to visualise and/or modify it.
The fields highlighted in blue are compulsory.
new makes entered by the user, not accompanied
by the specific graphic logo.
recalls the market selection. The screen
displays the vehicle descriptions sup-
displays the commercial descriptions
Main databank data display
copies the vehicle's data into a new user
Password input window
Vehicle make records
during vehicle selection, identifies the