Drain Connections
• Drain lines must have a 1.5" drop per
5 feet of run, and must not create traps.
• The floor drain must be large enough to
accommodate drainage from all drains.
• Run separate bin and ice machine
drain lines. Insulate them to prevent
• Vent the bin and ice machine drain
to the atmosphere. The ice machine
drain requires an 18" vent. Do not vent
the condenser drain on water‑cooled
Auxiliary Base Drain Installation
• An auxiliary drain is located in the ice
machine base to remove moisture in
high humidity areas.
• SF3000C requires base drain connection:
1" (25 mm) NPT.
• View the back of the ice machine base
on the compressor side and locate and
remove the cap plug.
• Route tubing to an open site drain:
Use 0.75" (19 mm) CPVC tubing.
Apply a bead of silicone around the
exterior of the ice machine tubing
and insert into ice machine base. The
silicone will secure the tubing and
provide a watertight seal.
Provide support for tubing.
Air Gap
A greater than 1 inch (25 mm) air gap is
built into the ice machine for back‑flow
prevention. This air gap exceeds NSF 12,
AS/NZS 3500.1 and AS/NZS 3500.2
requirements for back‑flow prevention.
The connection to the drinking water
network must be made with a certified
back flow preventer type EA (EN13959)
and with a certified connection hose
(EN13618 or EN61770) on site.
Part Number 000017556 Rev 00 9/22
Section 2