(10) Rear axle measurement
(Fig. 27)
To access this function from the rest of the pro-
gramme select the
Adjust the angles by bringing the values within
the tolerance range (numerical data and graph
bar coloured green).
The 2 rear axle measurement screens display
the rear camber angle, rear half-toe, rear total
toe, thrust angle, rear set-back and track differ-
ence values.
In the rear axle measurement screen,
switches between the two pages of values.
cyclically displays only one value pair
at a time. In this phase, the angle symbol shows
the real situation of the car.
normal display mode.
(11) Front axle measurement
(Fig. 19)
To access this function from the rest of the pro-
gramme select the
Adjust the angles by bringing the values within
the tolerance range (numerical data and graph
bar coloured green).
The 2 front axle measurement screens display
the front caster, front camber, front half toe, front
total toe and front set-back angle values.
In the rear axle measurement screen,
switches between the two pages of values.
cyclically displays only one value pair
at a time. In this phase, the angle symbol shows
the real situation of the car.
normal display mode.
For adjustment of the caster the data, only avail-
able if the steering lock measurement procedure
has been carried out, must be on the screen. N.B.
On exit from this procedure the caster values are
saved automatically.
Saving of these values means that the procedure
can always be restarted from the last adjust-
Operator's manual EXACT LINEAR
icon or the F2 key.
returns to
icon or the F1 key.
returns to
ment made.
If a new steering lock procedure is performed, the
values recalled will be the last ones measured
during the steering lock sequence.
(12) Second angle measurement
with steering locked
Repetition of the steering axis angle measure-
ment allows you to check whether errors have
been introduced during adjustment of the caster.
The procedure is exactly the same as the first
time the caster, king pin and steering angle dif-
ference values were measured.
Performing the steering lock procedure or
moves the programme straight on to
front axle measurement.
(13) Second front axle
Repetition of the front axle measurement proce-
dure allows any corrections to the adjustments
already made.
(14) Printout of the data measured
(Fig. 28)
To access this function from the rest of the pro-
gramme select the
The printout serves to inform the customer about
the operations performed and as a reference for
subsequent checks on the vehicle.
Fill in the heading of the job record
and print and/or save the job done using the
appropriate commands.
When the printout is complete, end the job and
return to the main menu
for any further adjustments.
(15) Graphic printouts
The current printed report, supplied in alpha-
numeric form, has now been updated with the
addition of two annexes consisting of graphics
which illustrate some information about the
vehicle in intuitive form.
The first annex, entitled "Vehicle Situation",
icon or the F4 key.
or restart the