Bo 105
The final step is to fit two black cable ties at each attachment point to imitate the skid straps of
the full-size machine. Install the ties as shown in the picture, and secure them with a drop of thin
Cut out the vacuum-moulded ABS access hatches and sand them smooth. Carefully de-grease
the fuselage where the hatches are to be fitted, and rub down the surfaces with fine abrasive
paper (600-grit), otherwise the paint may not adhere perfectly in the joint lines when you apply
the final finish.
The hatches and flaps can now be glued in the moulded-in depressions in the fuselage shell
using thick cyano, taking care to leave a channel of equal width all round. Note that the front two
maintenance hatches overlap the joint line between fuselage and upper fairing; they should only
be glued to the bottom part of the fuselage, resting against the recesses in the upper fuselage
fairing under light pressure.
Trim the instrument panel to fit in the top part of the instrument binnacle and glue it in place; this
assembly can then be glued centrally to the binnacle base. Paint the whole instrument binnacle
matt black, and apply the instrument panel decal (if you wish). It is a good idea not to glue this
part in the nose of the fuselage until the model is complete, i.e. when the mechanics and other
internal parts have been installed permanently.
The individual glazing panels are supplied in the kit pre-cut. Nevertheless, please check each
one carefully and trim the edges as necessary. The side windows and the two roof lights should
be trimmed so that they end flush with the outside of the fuselage, and then glued in place
permanently using UHU plus endfest 300. The recesses flanges moulded into the fuselage
should be sanded back as narrow as possible commensurate with your modelling skills;
however, if you intend to use the tinted glazing panels included in the kit as standard you can
leave them the full width as supplied - depending on the visual appearance you wish to achieve.
When the glue has set hard, fill the gaps round the four rear windows and the two roof lights
with plastic filler paste to produce a smooth transition between the outside of the fuselage and
the glazing; a narrow channel should be left in the front two panels, which are fitted in the doors,
as on the full-size machine.
When the model is given its final painted finish, the glazing areas should be masked out leaving
a strip about 3 - 4 mm wide round the glazed areas which is painted at the same time. The front
glazing panel should be trimmed carefully so that it rests evenly on the recessed flange, and
ends flush with the outside fuselage skin as far as possible. This glazing panel is held in place