Bo 105
1.4.3 Bracing the mechanics to the upper fuselage
The top bracing system for the mechanics consists of the bulkhead 5 and a brace on each side.
Fix one bulkhead without insert to each brace using 2.2 x 9.5 mm self-tapping screws, as
shown in the illustration (don't mix up the right and left braces!). The lateral inclination of the
mechanics means that bulkhead 5 is also asymmetrical; here again it is a good idea to mark the
sides with a pencil.
Offer up the bulkhead to the fuselage; there should be about 1 - 2 mm clearance between the
top of the bulkhead and the support flange for the upper fuselage fairing; at the bottom it should
make contact with the fuselage sides without pushing them out of shape. When you are
satisfied, fit the braces into the slots in bulkhead 5, but do not glue them at this stage.