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Saunier Duval GeniaSet HA 68/8.2 STB Notice D'emploi page 249


D.091 DCF status
D.092 Outdoor air temperature
D.095 Software version
HP control module:
Ventilation unit:
D.096 Factory settings?
D.097 Target room temperature
100 - 199
D.122 Building circuit heating conf.
D.123 Building circuit cooling conf.
D.124 Building circuit DHW conf.
D.126 Imm. heater output limit
D.127 Cooling possible
D.130 Back-up heater op. mode
D.134 Screed drying temp., day 1:
D.163 Screed drying temperature
200 - 299
D.200 Compressor operating hours
D.201 Compressor starts
D.230 Compr. start: Heating from
D.231 Max. remaining feed head
D.233 Compr. start: Cooling from
D.245 Max. anti-cycl. time duration
D.248 Number of switch-on ops
D.267 Compr. hysteresis: Heating
D.268 DHW operating mode
D.269 Ext. current anode status
D.291 Reset statistics?
300 - 399
D.340 System control present?
D.342 Screed drying, day
D.346 Switch-off temp.: Summer
D.347 Heating bivalence point
D.348 DHW bivalence point
D.349 Alternative point
D.351 Min. target flow temperature
D.352 Activation: Heating mode
D.353 Activation: DHW
D.355 Back-up boiler for
D.357 Cylinder charging hysteresis
D.362 Imm. heater anti-cycl. time
D.363 Cooling comp. hyster.
D.364 Reset maint. message?
D.367 Building circuit modulation
D.368 Imm. heater targ. flow temp.
D.369 Imm. heater flow temp.
8000017440_FT Installation and maintenance instructions
No reception, Data reception, Synchronised, Valid
Current value in °C
Yes, No
Adjustable value 5–30 in °C, increment 0.5 °C, factory setting: 21
30 to 100, increment 1, factory setting: Auto
30 to 100, increment 1, factory setting: Auto
30 to 100, increment 1, factory setting: Auto
External back-up heater, 0.5–5.5 kW, increment 0.5, factory set-
ting: External back-up heater
No cooling, Active cooling, factory setting: No cooling
Off, Heating, DHW, DHW + heating, factory setting: DHW + heat-
D.134 to D.163, temperature in °C for day 1 to day 30, factory set-
ting: Two shafts rising from 25 to 45 °C
Current screed-drying temperature in °C
Current value in hours
Current value, decimal
Energy integral in °min, -120 to -30 °min, factory setting: 60 °min
200 to 900 mbar, increment 10, factory setting: 900
Energy integral in °min, 30 to 120 °min, factory setting: 60 °min
0 to 9 hours, increment 1, factory setting: 5
Current value, decimal
3 to 15 K, increment 1, factory setting: 7
Eco, Normal, Balance, factory setting: Normal
Anode not connected, Anode OK, Fault: Anode
Yes, No
No, Yes, factory setting: No
Selectable day 0 to 29
10 to 99 °C, increment 1, factory setting: 21
-30 to 20 °C, increment 1, factory setting: 0
-20 to 50 °C, increment 1, factory setting: -7
0 to 40 °C, increment 1, factory setting: Off
15 to 90 °C, increment 1, factory setting: 15
Off, On, factory setting: On
On, Off, factory setting: Off
DHW + heat., DHW, Heating, Off, factory setting: DHW + heat.
3 to 20 °K, increment 1, factory setting: 5
Current value in minutes
3 to 15 °K, increment 1, factory setting: 5
Yes, No, factory setting: No
Current value in percent
Temperature in °C
Current value in °C

