System-Related Operation
SCPI language version
You can determine the SCPI language version of the instrument by sending the
SYSTem:VERSion? command from the remote interface.
– You can query the SCPI version from the remote interface only.
– The SCPI version is returned in the form "YYYY.V", where "YYYY" represents
SCPI query time-out
The SCPI query time-out represents the absolute time period (in milliseconds) that
the resource waits for the device to respond before this operation returns an error
(default value is 5000 milliseconds).
Some measurements may result in a delayed response time in the U3606B. It is
recommended that you increase the SCPI query time-out to 15000 milliseconds or
longer to avoid SCPI query time-out errors.
Remote programming using SCPI commands
During remote programming, various SCPI commands are stringed together in a
single programming module. As the programming module executes each SCPI
command sequentially, a 1 millisecond interval between each subsequent SCPI
command is recommended to allow the U3606B sufficient command processing
the year of the version, and "V" represents a version number for that year (for
example, 1994.0).
Keysight U3606B User's Guide