g) Operation as Student Transmitter "Student mode"
When configured as a student transmitter, the control stick signals are diverted through the trainer/student socket at
the back and transmitted to the trainer transmitter via the connection cable.
Configuration as student transmitter:
• Switch on the transmitter and call the system setting menu.
• Move the cursor arrow to the menu item "Student mode" with the scroll
• Briefly confirm the scroll wheel button or the button "OK" to activate the
menu item.
The display shows the notice that all transmitter settings are invalid in the
student configuration and the control stick settings are transferred right to
the trainer transmitter.
• After pushing the button "OK", a safety prompt appears.
• Turn the scroll wheel to switch the cursor arrow from "No" to "Yes" and
push the button "OK" again to activate the student mode. The display
then shows the system setup menu again.
• Push the button "CANCEL" repeatedly until you get back to the operating
display. The student mode is displayed visually in the operating display by
an additional "S" below the model figure.
• When calling the student menu again, the configuration can be terminated
as student transmitter by pushing the button "OK".
Coordinate the trimming of the student transmitter so that it
matches the one of the trainer transmitter.
The rudder of the model plane or the swash plate and the tail
rotor control must have precisely the same neutral position after
switching from trainer to student transmitter when the two
systems do not have deflected control sticks.
Figure 21