k) Delta Mixer "Elevon"
This menu is only available if a flight model was selected in the system settings menu!
For pure wing or delta flight models, the rudder flaps for the aileron function are also sued for the elevator function, with
each rudder blade being controlled with a separate servo.
The servo for the right rudder blade/elevon is connected to channel 1 (CH1) and the servo for the left rudder blade to
channel 2 (CH2) of the receiver (see sketch A).
In that case, both servos carry out the elevator (ELEVATOR) and aileron (AILERON) = ELEVON control together.
If the elevator control stick is pulled towards the pilot, both
rudders(elevons) must deflect upwards (Sketch B) when looking
at the model from behind.
If the elevator control stick is pushed all the way to the front, both
rudders must deflect downwards (Sketch C) when looking at the
model from behind.
If the aileron control stick is moved all the way to the left, the left
elevon must deflect upwards and the right elevon must deflect
downwards (Sketch D) when looking at the model from behind.
If the aileron control stick is moved all the way to the right, the left
elevon must deflect downwards and the right elevon must deflect
upwards (Sketch E) when looking at the model from behind.
Figure 41