. Transmitter controls
The transmitter comes with the left control lever allocated with the functions throttle/pitch and tail (throttle/rudder), and
the right control lever with the functions pitch and roll (elevator/aileron) (Mode 2).
1. Transmitter antenna
2. Remote control lever left,
Channels 3 and 4 (throttle/pitch and tail, resp. throttle and rudder)
3. Trim Channel 3 (throttle/pitch resp. throttle)
4. Trim Channel 4 (tail resp. rudder)
5. Ring for neck strap
6. DIL switch, Channels 1-4 (servo reverse),
DIL Switch 5 (V-mixer)
7. Handle
8. Remote control lever, right,
Channels 2 and 1 (nick and roll resp. elevator and aileron)
9. Trim Channel 2 (nick resp. elevator)
10. Trim Channel 1 (roll resp. aileron)
11. Function switch
12. Charging socket (on side)
13. Bind button (rear side)
14. PC link (rear side)
15. Battery compartment
(rear side)