Document forms
The document forms on the following pages
assist you to start up the system and operate it
Start-up and instruction record:
The start-up and instruction record ensures that
all the working steps necessary for start-up
have been carried out. This is essential for the
system to operate flawlessly.
Notification pursuant to §13 para. 3 German
Drinking Water Ordinance:
According to the German Drinking Water
Ordinance of January 1, 2003, all systems
using process water have to be reported to the
local health authorities (also applies to
AquaCycle® and any rainwater usage system).
The installation and shutdown of the system
have to be reported. Complete the form, sign it
and send it to the local health authorities.
(See also point 19 of the start-up and
instruction record).
Maintenance/inspection schedule:
The inspection schedule gives a survey of the
inspections and inspection cycles. It is
important to keep to the inspection plan to
ensure that the system continuously operates
Service contract:
The best way to ensure your system always
operates perfectly is to conclude a service
contract with your specalist dealer.
Log book:
The log book is used for recording all the
important operating data of your system,
the monthly water drawn
the monthly water top-up
all inspection and maintenance work
If you maintain the log book with care, you will
be able to identify any anomalies at an early