General Description
• Atrial single-chamber pacing is contraindicated
• The use of an external pacemaker is contraindi-
Potential Side Effects
Potential complications associated with the applica-
tion of temporary external pacing include asystole
after abrupt cessation of pacing (e.g., if the patient
cable is inadvertently disconnected, the leads are
loosened or the settings are incorrect) or pacemaker
Complications when inserting transvenous leads
include: Wound infection, arterial puncture, pericar-
dial friction, cardiac perforation and dysrhythmia after
lead insertion.
Handling Instructions
Depending on the pacing settings and the patient's
underlying illness, pacing can induce arrhythmias.
To ensure the patient's safety, certain procedures
should be observed and the precautionary measures
listed below taken. Please read about additional pro-
cedures and precautionary measures in appropriate
medical publications.
• Reocor D may only be used by persons with
• Reocor D interacts with the human heart. There is
Mode of action
for patients with existing AV conduction distur-
cated in the presence of an active, implanted
knowledge of cardiology who were trained in the
handling of the device. Potential users are techni-
cal and medical hospital staff and physicians.
also an interaction with the patient's skin and
blood vessels.